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What if it were possible to prevent the degradation of Hyaluronic Acid in our skin?

It's now proven: if the Hyaluronic Acid present in the skin degrades with age, it's mainly due to an enzyme: Hyaluronidase... The good news is that scientists have discovered a way to combat it! But what if...

Superficial chemical peels... something new!

Innovation alert: superficial chemical peeling, one of the most common procedures carried out by aesthetic doctors, is inviting itself into our bathrooms for use at home. Why don't we tell you more?...

Is skin dehydration a skin ageing gas pedal?

It's now a proven fact: if there's not enough water in the dermis, collagen and elastin fibers become rigid and the skin loses its bounce and firmness... New solutions from...

The correlation between cold and premature skin ageing

Photoaging of the skin, which manifests itself in the appearance of wrinkles, brown spots and other signs of premature aging, is a complex process that can be influenced by many environmental factors. The...

Pigmentation spots... Research is making progress!

62% of women suffer from dark spots and want to find solutions that "really work". The good news is that scientists have just discovered a promising new molecule. Let's talk about it! Whether it's...

It's possible to help women feel beautiful despite cancer!

Why are appearance and well-being linked? The consequences of anti-cancer treatments are not only difficult to bear physically, but also to accept psychologically, as we see our own image change, without having...

The perfect routine for spotless skin!

Our anti-spot care protocol, and the reflexes to adopt. Whether due to medication, perfume or simply hormonal variations (adolescence, pregnancy, the pill), hyperpigmentation marks affect us all...


When you're pregnant, your body produces even more female hormones, which increase the synthesis of melanin, the pigment responsible for tanning. So, as soon as your skin is exposed to light rays, these...

Loss of facial firmness, spots... how about some solutions?

Don't hide from the sun any longer - your skin is radiant and clear! Regain your self-confidence with anti-aging, anti-pollution and anti-spot solutions. THE SCIENTIFIC FINDING Numerous studies have shown that...